I'm posting something daily for one whole year. This could be anything. A photo, something funny I heard, a short lyric, or a random thought. This is just an easy way for me to capture a year of my life.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Day 122-August 30th: Ears
I woke up with my ears feeling super full. I felt like i needed to pop them, so I tried, but nothing happened. I tried everything to get them to pop, but they wouldn't, so after inservice I headed to Boyton. They didn't find anything wrong, but I was running a fever so they prescribed me some suddafed. Not sure that this will do anything, but now my ears just won't stop ringing. I did some research and found out it might just be stressed related, or it could also be due to my wisdom teeth. Agh! just more frustration. On the plus side I found out I can start moving in tomorrow night :) I should be able to get most of my stuff moved in, other than my big furniture. and perhaps I'll be able to start organizing things as well. :)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Day 121- August 29th: Inservice
Today was my first day of inservice. It actually went decently. I was a bit nervous, but I'm starting to warm up to the teachers. We started with a meeting about the math curriculum, and started setting up the tables and shelves in our room. I also got my desk, just a small table with some drawers next to it. Over lunch we talked about what "co-teaching" is, and after lunch we set up bulletin boards and posters. Then before I left I had to get my staff picture taken. I'm super excited about this year, I'm also very nervous, but as I told myself this morning "what doesn't kill me will make me stronger."
day 120- August 28th: Humdinger and bed bugs
Today I noticed that the bites on my ankle, that I assumed to be mosquito bites, were actually bed bugs. I'm still not sure if they are in my bed or if I was just bitten. It's just another stress for the week. My plan as of now is to continue with my packing. I ordered some bags to put over my bed to seal the mattress and thus kill the bugs. I also plan to dry all my clothes on hot once I move in. It was also the Humdinger CD release party. I went to O'Gara's bar and grill to see a few bands play. The Humdinger CD is a compilation Cd my brothers band's fiddle player put together to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. It features 17 local bands and only cost $15!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Day 119- August 27th: New Shoes
I went shopping today. And I spent too much money. I bought 3 shirt sleeve shirts for teaching, 9 pairs of underwear, and these babies :D
Day 118- August 26th: Dirt Cups
I had more orientation today. Afterward I did a little bit of packing and then I went out to dinner with my 2 girls. We had delicious burritos! Then I headed to Dusty's Bar in Northeast to see The Big Adventure play. After their first set I headed back to campus to hang with some friends and met John to make dirt cups. YUM! they were super yummy.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Day 117-August 25th: Orientation 2
Today was my first day of grad school. We had orientation all day. Most of the morning was spent teaching us about laws and how to be professional, and the afternoon was about what co-teaching is and different methods of co-teaching. I'm super excited to start, and yet I'm extremely nervous. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when it comes to teaching, and I've been doubting myself more than ever. But it's okay, because I have a great co-teacher to lean back on when I'm not having such a great lesson. Also, they showed us a ton of evidence proving that students who have the co-teacher do about 20% better than students who have the regular student teaching method. On the second day(August 26th) I realized that everyone had just as many questions and was just as stressed as I was. They went more in depth about what our semester would be like and handed out assignments for the first 3 weeks when we are doing doing clinical (co-teaching.) We discussed the things we were nervous and concerned about and tried to come up with solutions. Then we got to talk about our professional examinations by the state of MN that take place in February. I found out they end on the 10th, so guess who is going to have a really great birthday on the 12th. Me! At the end they told us about how to obtain our masters in Education after we complete our year of teaching on our own. I'll be one short class away!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Day 116- August 24th: Taylors Falls
Today was my last full day of work for the summer...meaning tomorrow I start school :S The parents sent us out with 3 kids to Taylors Falls to hike for the day. I loved it. What an awesome going away present. Pictures below.
We walked to Wisconsin |
Jess was such a little explorer |
Group photo on the MN side of the trails |
Looking up from inside a giant pot hole |
Back in MN |
Day 115- August 23rd: Favorite Artist
Today my favorite artist released a song off of his new album. Posted the link below. I also started training today and it was NOT good. WAY too hot for me.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Day 114- August 22nd: Best Day Ever!
Today was a wonderful day. I started it at the chiropractor, and he worked out my back. Then I headed over to the thrift store and found an awesome packer sweatshirt and awesome flannel for $3 each! I also had to go to the Dentist to talk to them about getting my wisdom teeth out this fall. And exciting news: only 2 even exist and only 1 has to come out! Super duper exciting. Then I headed to Fleet Farm to check out there packer gear, because yes, I need more. And they had jerseys for only $30! so I finally got my Rodgers jersey for the fall. Super happy. Best of all I get to see my boyfriend when he gets off of work in 2 hours :)
Day 113- August 21st: Mez
Today I got to eat at El Mez! Yummy! Then I got to spend some time with my niece and I made Zucchini Bread. I also went for my last pre-training run...yikes!
Day 112- August 20th: Graduation Party
One of mine and Daryn's friends family held a grad party in our honor today. They really wanted to have a party of some sort, and at Christmas we were discussing what was happening this summer and it came up that I was graduating. They decided they would get some food and beer and throw a small shindig. Pictures are bellow....
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Day 111- August 19th: Frustrated
Today we took the kids mini golfing, which should have been fun, but was awful. The people 30 minutes behind us caught up to us almost immediately, and when you have a blind child golfing with you and a kid who has to hit the ball 20+ times to get it in it just gets a bit frustrating. But by far the worst part was that there was no shade. It wasn't hot out, but having the sun beating down on you the whole time was awful! Then I drove all the way home only to realize that Hannahs emergency bag was in my car. So I had to drive the 20 minutes (30 in traffic) back to White Bear to drop it off and then drive home. It was very frustrating.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day 110- August 18th: Tangled
So today I started packing. There are a few boxes of storage that I'm going to take home to leave there for a while, just so I don't have to worry about moving them. I also started clearing off my desk. As I was packing I watched one super duper cute movie. I loved it!!!
Day 109- August 17th: The best friend
Today I met my boyfriend's best friend. Seconds after being introduced he said he had a test for me. The first question was whether I was a Packers or Vikings fan....needless to say we did not start off well :P But in all honesty I think I passed the rest of the questions, other than when I told him I was a Vegetarian for 4 months. It was also one off the last grill outs of the season. At least while I'm still living in this house.... :(
Day 108- August 16th: How to Be Good
So I spent some time reading today since I had to spend some time at the mechanics. I'm reading a book by Nick Horby called "How to Be Good" and I love it. Basically it's about this lady who decides she wants a divorce from her husband and this cause her to really examine her life in depth. Today I read a part where she is talking to her daughter Molly, about why she is sad. Molly talks about her Grandmas death and her mothers miscarriage (before she was even born) and a few other small things. And then the author writes this: "It seems to me now that the state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don't need to be a heroin addict of a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone." And I sat and marveled at the simplicity of feeling. Something as simple as love can change your life forever. Sometimes for good, and sometimes for bad. And yet we are told to love every day, and we really should. I've been in love, both for the better and the worse, and to be quite honest the line between the two is so thin and minuscule that it doesn't matter, because, at least I loved. I put my heart of my sleeve, and though the bad times led to heart ache and the good times didn't lead to happily ever after, I still gained so much knowledge and happiness. Love is worth it.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Day 107-August 15th: Mini Tour of the City
I finally got to hang out with my man tonight :) He took me to see a few of the views he discovered on his epic bike ride this weekend. It was an incredible night. Instead of wasting time talking about it I'll just post some pictures. The only thing I didn't get a picture of was the beautiful picnic spot in the middle of the woods.
view number 1: Mississippi River |
View #2: St. Paul |
View #3: Stone Arch at night. We have run here so many times during the day, but rarely at night |
The Ruins |
Awwww! what a sweetie :) |
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Day 106- August 14th: Perseverance
So there is this spot on Stone Arch bridge that John pointed out to me on one of our first runs together. In the middle of the water there was this large boulder of rock, and in the middle stands a small weak tree. Even though this tree is weak it was able to grow through this huge rock and survive. It became a sort of symbol for me and my running. I thought it would make a great poster, with the word perseverance at the top and a saying underneath. Anyway I never got back to take a picture, and a few days ago John informed that the tree had fallen :( But I went there today and took the picture and made the poster. So here it is. Now just imagine that there is a small tree standing in the middle.
Day 105- August 13th: The Larvae Lounge
I headed to the barn in Kenyon for the annual Summer party. It was fantasticly fun. I got there just in time to head to the swimming hole for a few hours. Then we headed back to the barn, I had some delicious dinner and red bull and danced my night away while listening to The Big Adventure (my brothers new band.) The next morning we headed to Little Oscars for breakfast. I had their delicious biscuits and gravy and then got a cinnamon roll to go. Yum!
The Big Adventure |
The cinnamon roll! yummy! |
Friday, August 12, 2011
Day 104-August 12th: Minnesota Zoo
Today we worked a bit shorter day (only 10-4) and we got to go to the MN zoo. I'm just going to post a few pictures, because I'm exhausted.
Day 103- August 11th: Dinner with Mom
My mother called the day I left for my camping trip to say she was in town for 3 days. Unfortunately I didn't think I would get to see her because I was camping on all 3 of these days. However I was able to get back and meet her and my aunt on their way out of town. We met at Brasa, and it was delicious, and it was great to catch up with my mom and aunt for a few hours.
Day 102- August 10th: Camping
Today was the full day of camping. The first day we basically got there, made dinner, went for a 2 hour hike, made s'mores and went to bed. On this day we got up and went fishing. Then we canoed out to an island to eat our delicious lunch of beef jerky, trail mi, fruit roll ups, and puppy chow! It was the best lunch ever. Then we went paddle boating and kayaking, followed by a quick swim. For dinner we had pizzas, and more puppy chow. Then we took a quick hike to wear off some energy and practiced some archery. We also couldn't help but play a game of been bag toss. We finished off the evening by writing thank you notes to Jen's mom and dad for letting us use their cabin. I posted a few photos below.
we found a toad on our walk in the woods |
the lake we walked to |
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Me and Ben by the fire |
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Sam caught a fish! |
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Kayaking |
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Archery |
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The whole group on the little Island after lunch |
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Day 101- August 9th: Muffins
I'm heading on a camping trip with 3 of the kids I watch, and one of my co-workers (thank God.) So I started out my morning by going on an easy run with John. He ran for 8 mins without his knee acting up, so we are gonna see if we can work our way up to longer distances in the next 2 weeks. Anyway I came home and quickly made a batch of delicious banana oatmeal muffins. I bought too much fruit when I went shopping last wednesday, not knowing I was leaving for a 3 day camping excursion. So I used my already overripe bananas to make these delicious baked good. Yum! They will be a great snack to take on our hikes.
Yum! |
Perfect second breakfast! |
Day 100-August 8th: Training Schedule
Today me and John wrote up our schedule for training for our half marathon. We planned in a 10K and a 5K, but we still need to make sure John's knee is up for an entire half marathon. Anyway here is the schedule!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Day 99- August 7th: Shoe shopping
Today I went shopping for running shoes at Fun and Run in St. Paul. I tried on 5 pairs and ended up liking the newer version of what I have now best. They were, unfortunately, $100. While this is an investment I need to make soon, I'm gonna see if I can hold off until I get my next paycheck, or better yet, until I get my security deposit back. After running shopping I went shopping for other shoes (I need dressy/comfy ones for teaching next year) and bought 2 pairs. However, these two pairs only cost $60 together. I got some more casual brown ones and some classy black ones. I think if I buy a pair of tan ones I should be good to go for matching any outfit that I have. yay! I also need to invest in a few dressy short sleeve shirts (I have maybe 2 that aren't T-shirts) at some point. So much I need, and so little money to buy it.
Day 98- August 6th: Scarred
This one will take awhile to explain, but I'm going to anyway. Today I spent most of my day doing some deep cleaning and relaxing. I watched a movie that I have watched several times and LOVE for some odd reason. It's about this system of timers that count down to the moment you are supposed to meet your "one true love." I don't believe in the idea of having "one true love" so the movie makes me a bit mad, especially because of the ending (I won't give it away.) Anyway in one part she is talking to a guy after she has had this timer removed(it's a bracelet inserted into your arm like an earring.) So he asked her if it scarred and she says "yes, you scarred me. In a really good way."
I just found this so odd. I've watched the movie 4 times now, and I never caught this line until now. I've never thought of scars as being good things, but after all the wounds of the last few years of my life are finally starting to heal I'm realizing how incredibly amazing scars are. I mean they show that by some small miracle you were able to survive all the hurt and pain. And the scars that aren't visible tell an even more important story. They show that you were able to work through that hurt and pain and become a better, and hopefully wiser person. That's one incredible feeling :)
I just found this so odd. I've watched the movie 4 times now, and I never caught this line until now. I've never thought of scars as being good things, but after all the wounds of the last few years of my life are finally starting to heal I'm realizing how incredibly amazing scars are. I mean they show that by some small miracle you were able to survive all the hurt and pain. And the scars that aren't visible tell an even more important story. They show that you were able to work through that hurt and pain and become a better, and hopefully wiser person. That's one incredible feeling :)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Day 97- August 5th: A really messed up day
Today was a rough day all around. And to be quite honest I don't want to share much about it. But I will say this much: I have a really messed up life, with a few really messed up relationships, but I don't think I could give up any of them.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Day 96- August 4th: All Done!
So yesterday I had my last final of my undergrad. It went awful. It was by far the worst test I have ever taken (next to several of the AP tests I took.) I skipped a few questions and made up a lot of bullshit for a few of the other ones. Luckily I got an A- on my final paper, which was worth 30% of my grade. Tonight I went out to celebrate finishing. I went to Shaw's bar in Uptown for Blues and Ribs. Oh my! All of this only cost me $7.99. I don't think I will ever be so full for the rest of my life. I ate everything except for the toast and about 1/4th of the ribs.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Day 95- August 3rd: Cuties
So remember when I told you the family I worked for was adopting 2 children from China? Well today I got to spend some time with them finally. And, best of all I was able to snap some pictures. We went to the park, and it took them awhile to get used to it (for about 45 minutes they just stood and looked around,) but eventually we got them to play.
This morning (the 4th) when I showed up for work sweet little Jack wouldn't stop flirting with me. He kept hiding behind my chair, and then popping up and smiling at me. Jeanne was overjoyed at the fact that he's already warming up to PCA's. Don't tell my boyfriend, but he may have competition with this sweet little boy.
Jeanne, Sam, and Jack building castles! |
Lan Ting dumping water |
Sam and Jack with the buckets of water |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Day 94-August 2nd: Road Trip
So I worked today and then can home to start the dreadful studying for my final exam. yuck! Then John called and said he was heading to Wisconsin to pick up some beer (And I wonder why my brother loves him so much.) So I ended up just taking my flashcards in the car with me and spending a good hour driving with him. Totally worth it! I think I'll do fine on my final, and that's all I need to do. Also, now I'm potentially spending the last weekend of the summer in Canada! woohooo!
Day 93- August 1st: Firsts and Lasts
Today I got to meet the sweeties from China! they are absolutely adorable. When I got there Jack was having a melt down and Lan Ting was super tired, but by the time we got back from the afternoon activities They were both playing and happy. Sam said "Lan Ting, say hi Tiara." and Lan Ting said, "say hi Tiara." Melted my heart! Jack is a bit quieter, but i'm sure he will warm up eventually.
I also had my last ever lecture of my Undergrad, and boy can I tell you it was one long ass lecture. The full 3 hours, and we didn't take our halfway break until we were over 2/3rds of the way done. I'm going to be so glad to have 3 weeks off before starting my undergrad.
I also had my last ever lecture of my Undergrad, and boy can I tell you it was one long ass lecture. The full 3 hours, and we didn't take our halfway break until we were over 2/3rds of the way done. I'm going to be so glad to have 3 weeks off before starting my undergrad.
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