Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 90- July 29th: Battling with my mind

today was a boring day. Got off work a bit early, so I finally cleaned our disgusting bathroom, and I got to spend a good 30 mins with my man :) Anyway I'm just gonna post a quote for the day. This just really describes how I feel about life right now.

"Our greatest battles are with our own minds."
- Jameson Frank

I'm at my wits end, completely exhausted due to not sleeping well at night and my medication, not to mention I'm crabby because I'm not supposed to have caffeine and my wisdom teeth are coming in. I'm so close to finishing my undergrad, which is fantastic, but frustrating to me as well. I'm just still in this odd stage in life where I want to be grown up and stand on my own two feet and yet I wanna have fun, and I'm not sure where I want to go. As I finished my final paper and completed all the reading for the course I had a little tiny freakout. This is it. I chose to be a teacher, but what if this isn't the career for me and I just wasted 60 grand to become one?!?! And so I'm battling with my mind, but running is helping, and music is helping, and dreaming is helping, and I'll get where I'm going one of these days. So I battle on!

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