I had a wonderful good Friday. In fact I would call it a great Friday! I woke up to a text message from my oldest brother telling me his wife's water had broken and that they were headed to the hospital. I of course had to go to work and was a little bit hung over from the vodka shots I had taken the night before. But I got to spend my morning on the track with Hannah and then got to play with bottles. Then Me and Sarah (their oldest daughter) took all the kids to McDonalds for lunch and a movie at the dollar theatre. Jess and me spent the last hour of our day looking for egg dying items and possible birthday presents.
I finished work off to find out that my nephew, Quincy Gray Christenson, had been born at 1:53, weighing 6lbs 10 oz, and 20 and 1/4 inches long. I couldn't wait to find out the name and my dear brother had tried to give me a hint by telling me David Gray was coming to summerfest. Anyway, I'm one proud aunt TT.

I was suppose to have a massage, but it got rescheduled. All the better for me since i would have undone any good at the Pert Near Sandstone show. When I got home a headed over to a friends house to start drinking some delicious beer. The concert was super duper late. There were two openers and the band didn't even get started until 11:00. I danced my ass off for all but the last 2 or 3 songs. My energy at this point was just gone. The really bad part was the "frat couple" next to me making out. I seriously almost threw up at one point. I made it home alive after a scary taxi ride, had some scrambled eggs, and quickly headed to bed, knowing that the next day of work would be rough.
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